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Liver cleansing and support program

designed to flush out toxins, relieve liver stress, promote cell rejuvenation and regeneration, and improve overall well-being.

The liver is one of the main organs of detoxification. It is a silent partner with many functions, such as converting food into energy, filtering harmful toxins, making proteins that help blood clot, and producing bile.

Although the liver is the body's natural detoxifier, it still needs special care. Because it is constantly exposed to certain chemicals or toxins from what we eat, breathe or drink in our daily lives. The liver cleansing program at Panorama Skhidnytsia Spa Resort is specially designed to improve liver function, liver detoxification and liver cell rejuvenation. This program includes liver detoxification, a balanced diet, natural dietary supplements and on-site medical consultation. Give your liver the special attention it deserves.


Program to strengthen immunity

The immune system is a specialized network of cells, nodes, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us from disease and infection. When our immune system is fully optimized, it balances the good/bad bacteria, kills viruses and especially prevents infections.

It all starts with detoxification. 60% of our immune system is based on our gut and lymphatic system, which due to regular diet and lifestyle deficiencies can become suppressed and not fully active. Once we begin the detoxification process by minimizing digestion, we release an incredible amount of energy to be directed at your immune system.


Life with type 2 diabetes

You can prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a serious health problem worldwide, which is caused by adverse changes in the body at the cellular and physiological levels due to unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits. For a healthy life, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of diabetes, not the symptoms.


We have developed a diabetes recovery program to help manage type 2 diabetes and address its underlying causes. With detoxification and healthy eating plans, as well as our medical expertise, this program will help restore health and balance to those who already have type 2 diabetes.

During the program, you will detox, transition to a healthier diet, and receive the support your body needs through therapy and IVs. Your entire process will be monitored and supported by our medical team and program coordinators. In addition, you will better understand how to manage your condition. To treat type 2 diabetes, we apply four basic principles of health:

  • Cleansing the body of toxins
  • Balanced and therapeutic nutrition
  • Antioxidant and natural therapy
  • A healing atmosphere without stress


Harmony of body and mind

Living in modern times, we are easily distracted by a large number of factors and cannot focus on what we really need or want. The frenetic hustle and bustle around us in everyday life causes fatigue and restlessness, which later leads to problems with concentration and loss of control over emotions. When you don't slow down and find peace, you subconsciously begin to fight repetitive patterns.


we recognize that everyone feels pressure to be successful and meet the demands of today's world. We have created the Body and Mind Harmony program to help you cope with modern life and turn the stress that disrupts our physical and mental well-being into happiness.

To improve your quality of life, heal your body and mind together.

Our approach to mindfulness includes a range of lectures, events, workshops alongside yoga, meditation and physical and mental detoxification programmes. In this way, our guests can regain their physical, mental, spiritual presence, and adopt a different perspective and outlook on themselves and life itself.


Eternal Youth program

This wellness package is dedicated to harmonious aging in full health. Every physical body is born beautiful, so we reconnect and tap into that primal beauty through rituals and modern anti-aging solutions. This is a modern industry of health and beauty, which is based on modern global methods of prevention and correction of health. The procedures will reduce fine wrinkles and make the skin visibly tightened, clean and radiant. In combination with detoxification, the program will strengthen the immune system without a rehabilitation period with a quick effect.


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