The Immunity Strengthening Program is aimed at comprehensively improving the immune system and the general condition of the body. Its main goal is to eliminate sleep disorders, headaches, reduce excess weight, increase muscle mass, normalize sugar and cholesterol levels, strengthen bones and get rid of edema. Special attention is paid to cleansing the body of toxins, which helps restore vital balance.
This program will be a great choice for people who:
- Recovering from seasonal allergies;
- Are exposed to a polluted environment;
- They want to improve their overall health and protect their body from the effects of negative external factors.
This program creates a kind of "protective shield" that will help your body function effectively after detoxification. As a result, you will experience mental clarity, a surge of energy, and a strengthened immune system.
Nutrition is selected individually in consultation with a doctor, taking into account the results of medical tests. The timing of procedures is also selected individually.
Передбачено одну з програм детокс-харчування:
- Master Detox
- Green Juice Detox
- Raw Food Detox
You can choose a Wellness Program Course at:
7, 10, 14 days.
Procedures of the Immunity Strengthening Wellness Program:
- Комплекс кишкового зрошення та очищення кишківника від токсинів
- Інфузійна терапія (імуномодулююча)
- Інгаляції вітамінні
- Високотонова терапія Hi-Top (оздоровлення на рівні мітохондрій)
- Фотобіомодуляція (Healite)
- Турецька лазня (хамам)
- Infrared sauna
- Підводний душ-масаж з сіллю Барбара
- Обгортання глибоке оновлення тіла
- Арома-масаж