Patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have the opportunity to change their lives through a unique program aimed at reducing medication dependence and transitioning to a healthy lifestyle. We help you achieve this through a harmonious combination of work on the body, mind and soul.
The program allows you to achieve visible results in a short period of time. You will learn:
- Control blood sugar levels with minimal use of medications.
- Improve glucose and cholesterol levels through a balanced diet.
- Make healthy changes to your lifestyle.
This program is designed to help you take back control of your health and enjoy a full life without unnecessary stress.
Nutrition is selected individually in consultation with a doctor, taking into account the results of medical tests. The timing of procedures is also selected individually.
Передбачено наступну програму детокс-харчування:
- Raw Food Detox
You can choose a Wellness Program Course at:
7, 10, 14 days.
Procedures of the Life Without Diabetes wellness program:
- Комплекс кишкового зрошення та очищення кишківника від токсинів
- Інфузійна терапія (протидіабетична)
- Інгаляції вітамінні
- Високотонова терапія Hi-Top
- Фотобіомодуляція (Healite)
- Перлинні ванни з бішофітом магнієвим
- Арома-масаж
- Детоксикаційне обгортання з термальною гряззю Монтальчіно
- Турецька лазня (хамам)
- Infrared sauna
- Psychological therapy: correcting emotions around food consumption